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toan toan ha

Skills Unit 6 lớp 11


1. Work with a partner and what problems are described in the pictures. Then answer the question: what do you know about the problems?

(Cùng trao đối với bạn về các vấn đề được mô tả trong tranh. Sau đó trả lời câu hỏi: em biết gì về những vấn đề này?) 

Hướng dẫn giải:

- The first picture describes one of the causes of climate change. In the picture we can sec factories are burning fossil fuels that increases the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Increased levels of carbon dioxide contribute to the greenhouse effect; as the result, the earth is heating up. Warmer temperatures may cause many problems such as heat-related illnesses and reduced water and air quality, which in turn have a variety of adverse effects on human health.

- What can you see in the second picture? Running cars are sending smoke and fumes into the atmosphere, causing the Earth to warm up and increase its average temperature. To climate scientists, personal vehicles are a major cause of global warming.

- In the third picture we can see trees are cut down, for many reasons such as for land, paper, wood products or cooking fuel... Trees lemove carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, from the atmosphere, while cycling oxygen back into it. When trees are cut down: however, the CO2 is released again. The area of land covered by forests in the world is reduced rapidly, causing climate change.

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