adung ad~/ [Cam M]

(cv.) idung id~/

(d.) mũi = nez.
  • patién adung kubaw  p_t`@N ad~/ k~b|  xỏ thẹo trâu = fixer la nasière du buffle.
  • thring adung \E{U ad~/ xỏ mũi = enfiler la cordre dans la nasière.
    pierced nose.
  • klep adung kubaw  k*@P ad~/ k~b|  đâm thẹo trâu = transpercer le naseau du buffle.
    pierce the nostril of  buffalo.
  • galaong adung g_l” ad~/ lỗ mũi = nostril.
  • balau adung bl~@ ad~/ lông mũi = nose hairs.
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