1. (t.) Q^ g@P nde gep Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /ɗə: – ɡ͡ɣəʊʔ/alike, equal (shape), |
- lớn bằng nhau (hình thể) _\p” Q^ g@P (r~P) praong nde gep (rup).
equally large (in form). - hai quả dưa hấu to bằng nhau d&% _b<H tm=k _\p” Q^ g@P dua baoh tamakai praong nde gep.
two equally large watermelons.
2. (t.) d^ g@P de gep Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /d̪ə: – ɡ͡ɣəʊʔ/alike, equal (quantity). |
- lớn tuổi bằng nhau _\p” E~N d^ g@P praong thun de gep.
equally age. - hai người đi thi đạt điểm bằng nhau d&% ur/ _n< kcH h~% tn~T d^ g@P dua urang nao kacah hu tanut de gep.
two people took the exam and they got an equal score.
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