can | X | advise; deal

I.  can, khuyên can, cấm cản.

(đg.)   GK ghak 

to advise, to prevent (not to do something).
  • khuyên can nó đừng làm như thế GK v~% =j& ZP y~@ qN ghak nyu juai ngap yau nan.
    advise him not to do so.


II.  can, can ra, ngăn cản, gỡ ra, hòa giảng

(đg.)   F%k*H paklah 
Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.

to advise (to reconcile, to deal).
  • can chúng nó ra, đừng để đánh nhau F%k*H v~% tb`K, k*H d} a_t” g@P paklah nyu tabiak, klah di ataong gep.
    dissuade them out, not to fight.


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