1. cho người ăn cơm
(đg.) \b] h&K brei huak Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /breɪ˨˩ – hʊaʔ/to feed rice food. |
- cho em ăn cơm \b] k% ad] h&K brei ka adei huak.
give a meal for children.
(cn.) F%h&K pahuak Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /to feed rice food. |
- cho người chết ăn (trong lễ tang) F%h&K pahuak .
for the dead to eat (during the funeral).
2. cho người ăn những thứ khác (trừ cơm)
(đg.) \b] O$ brei mbeng Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /breɪ˨˩ – ɓʌŋ/to feed cake and other things. |
- cho em ăn bánh \b] k% ad] O$ ahR brei ka adei mbeng ahar.
for a child eats cake.
(cn.) F%O$ pambeng Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /pa-ɓʌŋ/to feed cake and other things (to create sympathy). |
- cho trai ăn (dụ) F%O$ lk] pambeng lakei.
feed boys (to entice).
3. cho động vật ăn
(đg.) _c`# ciém to feed to animals. |
- cho chó ăn _c`# as~@ ciém asau.
feed the dog. - cho mèo ăn _c`# my| ciém mayaw.
feed the cat. - cho gà ăn _c`# mn~K ciém manuk.
feed the chicken.
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