chọn lọc | diyeng | select

1. (đg.)   r&H d&H ruah duah 
Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  /rʊah – d̪ʊah/

to select.
  • chọn lọc những thứ tốt để ra riêng r&H d&H _d’ ky% s`’ =cK s% gH ruah duah dom kaya siam caik sa gah.
    select good things to set aside.


2. (đg.)   d{y$ diyeng [A,223] 
Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.

to select.
  • chọn lọc những thứ tốt để ra riêng d{y$ _d’ ky% s`’ =cK s% gH diyeng dom kaya siam caik sa gah.
    select good things to set aside.


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