1. đậy, cạy, nậy; đậy hoặc bịt nút hoặc miệng lỗ nhỏ (ví dụ: cái chai, lọ…)
(đg.) kQL kandal Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /ka-ɗʌl/to cap, cover small holes in objects (as bottle); the cap. |
- đậy nắp chai kQL pbH k_l<K kandal pabah kalaok.
cover the mouth of bottle.
2. đậy, che, đậy những miệng lỗ to (ví dụ: xoong, nồi, lu…)
(đg.) g# gem to cap, to cover the big mouth of an object (as pot, jar…). |
- đậy nồi g# k_g<K gem kagaok.
cover the pot.
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