1. (rau củ, cây cối nói chung)
(d.) td~K taduk Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /ta-d̪uʔ/green vegetable; sprout, bud (of tubers, trees in general). ([Cam M]. pousse, bourgeon, légume vert) |
- đọt rau td~K W# taduk njem.
sprouted vegetables. - đọt khoai môn td~K hb] taduk habei.
potato sprout. - hái đọt rau ăn =pK td~K W# _k`# paik taduk njem kiém.
picking vegetables to eat.
2. (cây trái)
(d.) l_a<| laaow browse, but, sprout (fruit trees). |
- đọt dừa l_a<| l{u% laaow liu.
coconut sprout. - đọt chuối l_a<| pt] laaow patei.
banana bud.
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