1. tháo lót
(đg.) EP thap Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /thaʊ:ʔ/to cobble; cover a seat or base. |
- đút lót chỗ ngồi (để ngồi cho thoải mái) EP lb{K _d<K thap labik daok.
cobble or cover a seat to sit comfortably.
2. đút lót, hối lộ
(đg.) F%l&K paluak Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /pa-lʊaʔ/to bribe; to palm. |
- đút tiền, lót tiền (đưa tiền hối lộ) F%l&K _j`@N paluak jién.
give bribe money. - tiền đút lót (tiền hối lộ) _j`@N F%l&K jién paluak.
bribe money.
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