(nghĩa: “hành văn” là viết văn, về mặt đặt câu, dùng từ)
1. (đg. d.) aR pn&@C ar panuec [Sky.] Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /ar – pa-nʊəɪʔ/to compose, to style the literature; literary style. |
2. (đg. d.) bpn&@C bapanuec Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /ba˨˩-pa-nʊəɪʔ/to compose, to style the literature; literary style. |
- phong cách hành văn mộc mạc b{=n` bpn&@C aAR b`K b=\n biniai bapanuec akhar biak banrai.
(b{=n` biniai [A,336]; b=n` banrai [A,324]).
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