1. (đg.) bào = raboter = to plane to flatten. |
- “oh hu mbaw blaoh njuoh, oh thei keh blaoh hadah” oH h~% O| _b*<H _W&H, oH E] k@H _b*<H hdH không ai bào mà trơn, không ai khều mà sáng = il n’est personne qui le rabote pour l’aplanir (devinette); il n’est personne qui la mouche pour qu’elle éclaire (devinette) = there is no one who planes it to smooth (riddle); there is no one who flies it to light (riddle)
– phun patei f~N pt] cây chuối = bananier = banana tree.
– yang balan y/ blN mặt trăng = la lune = the moon.
2. (d.) cái bào = wood plane. |
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