mboh _OH [Cam M]


mboh _OH [Cam M]

(đg.)   thấy = voir = to see.
  • yut mboh nyu lei? y~T _OH v~% l]? bạn thấy hắn không? = do you see him?
  • mboh aia mboh manei, mboh kumei mboh khing _OH a`% _OH mn], _OH k~m] _OH A{U thấy nước vội tắm, thấy gái vội lấy = en voyant l’eau, il se précipite pour se baigner, en voyant une fille, il s’éprend d’elle aussitôt (se dit des gens qui se fiant seulement à leurs sentiments prennent des décisions sans discernement) = seeing the water, he rushes to swim, seeing a girl he fell in love with her immediately (said to people relying only on their feelings make decisions without discernment).
  • mboh dreh di mata _OH \d@H d} mt% thấy tận mắt (vừa lòng) = voir de ses propres yeux = see with his own eyes (satisfied).


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