mũ | | hat

1. (d.)   Q&@N nduen 
Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  //ɗʊən/ ~ /ɗon/

  • mũ sắt Q&@N bs] nduen basei.
    steel hat.
  • đội mũ m_a> Q&@N maaom nduen.
    wear a hat.
  • mũ bảo hộ; mũ bảo hiểm Q&@N rO$ nduen rambeng [A,411].


2. (d.)   tR_m% tarmo [Ram.] 
Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.

  • đội mũ c&K tR_m% cuak tarmo.
    wear a hat.
  • mũ bảo hộ; mũ bảo hiểm tR_m% rO$ tarmo rambeng [A,411].


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