I. nam, giới tính nam
(d. t.) lk] lakei male (human). |
II. nam, hướng nam, phía nam
1. (d. t.) m_\n” manraong Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /mə-nrɔ:ŋ/south. |
- nhà ở hướng nam s/ _d<K gH m_\n” sang daok gah manraong.
2. (d. t.) dKx% daksa Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /d̪ak-sa:/south. (Skt. दाक्ष dAkSa – n. the south) |
- nhà ở hướng nam s/ _d<K gH dKx% sang daok gah daksa.
3. (t.) dKxn; daksanâ [A,213] Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /d̪ak-sa-nø:/southern. (cv.) dKxnK daksanâk [A,213] /d̪ak-sa-nøʔ/(Skt. दक्षिण dakSiNa – adj. southern) |
- nhà ở hướng nam s/ _d<K dKxn; sang daok daksanâ.
(Skt. source: https://spokensanskrit.org)
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