1. (t.) alH d} t`N alah di tian Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /a-lah – d̪i: – tia:n/to be discouraged. |
- thấy nản lòng quá _OH alH d} t`N l] mboh alah di tian lei.
feel so frustrated (really do not want to continue).
2. (t.) p_r<T paraot [Cam M] Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /pa-rɔ:t/to be discouraged. |
- nản lòng; nản chí; rủ chí p_r<T d} h=t paraot di hatai.
get discouraged.
3. (t.) =\dY draiy [A,233] to be discouraged. |
- buồn và nản lòng; bị gục ngã =\dY d} h=t draiy di hatai.
beat down; dejected; discouraged.
(Fr. abattu, découragé).
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