1. ngăn, đắp, chặn dòng chảy của nước, chất lỏng…
(đg.) b@K bek to prevent (liquid). |
- ngăn nước b@K a`% bek aia.
2. ngăn, che, chắn
(đg.) pc$ paceng to hinder, to part. |
- ngăn lối pc$ jlN paceng jalan.
- ngăn vách pc$ dn{U paceng daning.
3. ngăn, ngăn cản, can gián
3.1 (đg.) GK \d;H ghak drâh Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /ɡʱa˨˩ʔ – d̪røh/to prevent, hinder, stop (sb.). |
3.2. (đg.) h\b@K habrek [A,512] Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /ha-brə˨˩ʔ/to prevent, hinder, stop (sb.). |
II. ngăn, căn, gian, khoang, hộc…
(d.) rw/ rawang Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /ra-wa:ŋ/span, compartment. |
- ngăn bàn rw/ pbN rawang paban.
desk drawer.
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