I. trách, cái trách, cái trả (dụng cụ bếp núc)
(đg.) =k*T klait small saucepan or saucepan. |
- cái trách kho cá =k*T _A<| ikN klait khaow ikan.
II. trách, trách móc, oán trách
1. (đg.) _y<K yaok Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /jɔ:ʔ/to reproach, to blame. |
- trách móc _y<K-_y@R yaok yér.
(đg.) O&H mbuah to reproach, to blame. |
- trách cứ, oán trách O&H kL mbuah kal.
- trách nhau O&H g@P mbuah gep.
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