1. (đg.) k*} kli to plaster. |
- trét tường đất k*} dn{U hl~K kli daning haluk.
2. (đg.) p_b<R pabaor Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /pa-bɔ:r˨˩/to plaster. |
- trét bùn lên cây p_b<R g)H d} =g pabaor gluh di gai.
3. (đg.) F%l{R palir [A,308] Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /pa-lɪr/to plaster. |
- trét bùn lên cây F%l{R g)H d} =g palir gluh di gai.
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