trung thành | | staunch

1. (t.)   _k*<H h=t klaoh hatai 
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  /klɔh – ha-taɪ/

loyal, staunch, faithful.
  • trung thành với vua chúa _k*<H h=t _s” p_t< b`% klaoh hatai saong patao bia.
    loyal to the king.


2. (t.)   l’b{L lambil 
Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.

loyal, staunch, faithful.
(M. hampir)
  • hàng rào tốt trung thành với dây leo, đàn bà nết na trung thành với chồng (tng.) pg% _s’ l’b{L h=rK, km] s`’ =EK l’b{L ps/ paga siam lambil haraik, kamei siam thaik lambil pasang.
    good fence fidelity to creepers, woman has good character always loyal to her husband.


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