langal lZL [Cam M] lingal

(cv.) lingal l{ZL

(d.) cày = charrue.
the plow. 
  • nang langal q/ l{ZL náng cày = support de la charrue.
    plow supporter.
  • ih langal i{H l{ZL bắp cày = timon de la charrue.
    plow tiller.
  • praok langal _\p<K l{ZL nắp cày = targette de la charrue.
    flush bolt of the plow.
  • baoh langal _b<H l{ZL mỏ cày = manche de la charrue.
    handle of the plow.
  • taik langal =tK l{ZL chốt cày = loquet de la charrue.
    latch of the plow.
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