nhấn | | press

1. (đg.)   g@K gek 

to press (into the water).
  • nhấn đầu xuống nước g@K a_k<K \t~N d} a`% gek akaok trun di aia.
    press the head into the water.


2. (đg.)   F%u’ paum 
Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.

to press down.
  • nhấn đầu xuống F%u’ a_k<K \t~N paum akaok trun.
    press head down.
  • nhấn nút F%u’ tn~T paum tanut.
    press the button.


3. (đg.)   ta`K taaiak 
Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.

to press.
  • nhấn nút ta`K tn~T taaik tanut.
    press the button.


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