aoh _a+H [Cam M]


1. (đg.) lãng xao = qui a perdu les sentiments d’attachement envers qq.
to neglect; distraction.
  • anâk aoh di maik  anK _a<H d} a=mK  con lãng xao mẹ = l’enfant n’est plus attaché à sa mère.
    the child is no longer cared for his mother.
  • ih-aoh  i{H-_a<H  hục hặc = se quereller.
2. (đg.) [Bkt.] chê, hờn, lẫy.
go mad.
  • aoh di lasei  _a<H d} ls]  chê cơm;
  • aoh di pasang  _a<H d} ps/  giận lẫy chồng.

3. (d.) [Bkt.] cây ó.
bear’s breach (Acanthus integrifolius).


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