mồ hôi nhễ nhại
1. (t.) EC a`% h@P thac aia hep Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /thaɪʔ – ia: – həʊʔ/in a wet, flowing state (often talking about perspiration), sweat abundantly. |
- làm vườn ngoài nắng, khắp người mồ hôi nhễ nhại ZP ckK d} \k;H pQ`K, EC a`% h@P bK r~P ngap cakak di krâh pandiak, aia hep thac bak rup.
gardening in the sun, sweat mimicking all over the body.
2. (t.) _W<K a`% h@P njaok aia hep Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. /ʄɔ:ʔ – ia: – həʊʔ/in a wet, flowing state (often talking about perspiration), sweat abundantly. |
- làm vườn ngoài nắng, khắp người mồ hôi nhễ nhại ZP ckK d} \k;H pQ`K, bK r~P _W<K a`% h@P ngap cakak di krâh pandiak, bak rup njaok aia hep.
gardening in the sun, sweat mimicking all over the body.
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