thring \E{U [Cam M]

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  I.  thring \E{U /tʱri:ŋ/

1. (đg.) xỏ xâu = enfiler.
  • thring mrai tamâ jarum \E{U =\m tm% jr~’ xỏ chỉ vào kim.

2. (đg.) ngáy = ronfler.
  • ndih thring Q|H \E{U ngủ ngáy.


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  II.  thring \E{U /tʱrɪŋ/ (cv.) thrâng \E;/

(t.) ồn = faire du bruit, du tintamarre.
  • thring tangi  \E{U tz} ồn tai = étourdissant.
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