quy đầu | | glans

qui đầu

1. (d.)   a_k<K k=lT akaok kalait 
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  /a-kɔʔ – ka-lɛt/

glans, head of penis. 
  • bao quy đầu kl{K a_k<K k=lT kalik akaok kalait.


2. (d.)   a_k<K k_l<K akaok kalaok 
Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  /a-kɔʔ – ka-lɔ:ʔ/

glans, head of penis.
  • bao quy đầu kl{K a_k<K k_l<K kalik akaok kalaok.


3. (d.)   a_k<K Q~T akaok ndut [Ram.] 
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  /a-kɔʔ – ɗut/

glans, head of penis.
  • bao quy đầu kl{K a_k<K Q~T kalik akaok ndut.


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